Sunday, December 12, 2010

Not So Easy

Happiness never is an easy goal to achieve, but it is not impossible also. Happiness is the ultimate goal and what is important for us to do is to select the tools or the means to achieve happiness. The tools can be varied-depends upon person to person. For some it may be money,alcohol,drugs,women/men,family,friends and the list is endless. People derive happiness from different things-objects.

So.... it is very important for us to choose the right tool for drugs,women,alcohol etc...won't really help us gain permanent but rather it is short lived-temporary satisfaction and these activities will also cause a great deal of unhappiness for/to your friends,family and your loved ones. What we must do is to strive for ultimate happiness-permanent and it is also important not to strive for selfish but rather wholesome-global happiness, I do not mean to say to think for every person in this world,its good if you/we can do that,if not, it is important to think at least for the people around you,your community,family,friends etc....

So....where do we start? Its you! Happiness starts within ourselves. It is not necessary that you have to be a billionaire, what is important is to build our own personality,attitude,sincerity,punctuality etc.....if you lack these qualities you may be happy but not others who depends upon you vice versa.

Lets discuss some domains of happiness!
I will categorize happiness into 3 domains.
refers to self or happiness at the personal level, the law of happiness is if you are not happy you cannot make anyone happy. There seems to be so many tools to achieve happiness at a personal level, but its easy for us to fall into the trap of greed,jealousy,aggressive,ego,attitude...the list goes on

2. Social:-
In this level it is concerning the happiness of others, it is more about you spreading or sharing your happiness with others,what goes around always comes around.How can you be happy if your society is not a happy one. The main cause of unhappiness in this level is political unrest,terrorism, the environment that we live in etc....So we have to do our bit to make our society happy free of the above points. I am not sure if the environment we live in matters in our happiness.

Whatever religion you are following its important to have utmost faith in it. Meditation,yoga etc really helps you calm your mind. Our mind is the real devil if we don't use it properly. We must learn to control our mind, be the master.

Lets discuss these topics in the next post. I will be grateful if you could help me with good points or at least correct my mistakes. I am not a master or a superman who knows about happiness. I just want to achieve happiness and also want to spread it all around so that we can have peace and happiness in this world.

Thank you for reading.


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